Fruits of the Tree of Knowledge - Our Shop

A rich fruity fragrance that smells like cherry jam. If all the world’s fruits grew on one tree and you made it into jam, it would smell like this: plums, cherries, raspberries, peaches, tangerines, grapefruit and a bonus cantaloupe melon - surrounded by sandalwood, roses and violets.

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(The perfume formerly known as What Katie Did on Friday Night)

A rich fruity fragrance which smells just like cherry jam. We've been smelling it and driving ourselves nuts trying to put our finger on it. It took scent fan and perfume blogger Maria Angelidou to point it out. A big vat of simmering cherries, deeply fruity, slightly tart, with a light freshness on top. 

That's the thing about making perfume. What you put in isn't what you get out, not if you do it right. This perfume was originally named What Katie Did on Friday Night and it was one of three different versions of Katie we released after our friend commissioned a bespoke perfume for his girl.

So how do we create a cherry jam fragrance? Not with cherries. It's not yet possible to squash and bottle them to use in perfume. (Although one company had a go then gave up.) What we did was to blend citrus essential oils, flowers, woods and raspberry. We're pleased with its scrumptiousness.

Fruits of the Tree of Knowledge is suitable for vegans.

Ingredients: Alcohol (denat), Parfum, Limonene, Citronellol, Citral, Geranial.

“It starts with one perfume and then before you know it you have a collection of beautiful stories in scent!” – Emma Lapsley

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